Part challenge, part support group this one-of-a-kind program helps you to finish a personal project and add it to your portfolio in just 2 months!
Here is what 2 months in the FauxFolio Challenge will result in:
A full personal project added to your portfolio website
Examples include: a faux branding project, illustration collection, faux website design, photo styling project, daily project, hand-lettering licensing examples…the options are endless and we can help you narrow in on your project!
Confidence & tools to promote your project & business
Through a monthly support call, a mini-course about building your personal brand & marketing tips, PLUS monthly lunch & learns with successful creative ladies.
Your project posted to our official FauxFolio Challenge website
We will be building a website featuring all the projects of our first cohort of challenge members! It will be a great opportunity to get your work seen by an audience outside of your own.
A supportive community of fellow creative ladies
Honestly this may be the best perk of all! Especially in such a tough time where we have to quarantine in our homes. The monthly support call, facebook group, monthly lunch & learn call, and optional mentoring will be an amazing source of support and connection during this time.